In Autumn 2014, the Renewables-Grid-Initiative will award a prize for the “Good Practice of the Year” for the first time. This award is meant to honour an outstanding practice in grid development, one that is innovative and most importantly, an improvement to existing practices in the field – be it environmental protection, stakeholder participation or one of the many other fields surrounding grid development today. The intention of the “Good Practice of the Year” is not only to further disseminate the many good practices out there, but also to inspire future action and innovative thinking. We invite both European and non European TSOs, DSOs, project developers, authorities and NGOs engaged in grid projects to enter their good practices into the competition. The best practices will then be honoured at the 4th European Grid Conference in November this year.
How can you participate?
If your organisation is interested in submitting one or multiple good practices into the competition, please have a look at our detailed Call for Submissions and fill out the Submission Form to send in your practice.
For inspiration on what practices to enter have a read through our list of possible areas of best practice.
All documents can also be found on the right hand side.
Who selects the winner?
An independent jury of experts from the grid development and energy policy fields will elect one of the submissions as the “Good Practice of the Year”. The international audit and advisory company MAZARS will also accompany the process.
Take a look at our jury members here.
Which criteria apply?
Take a look at our list of criteria to see how the submissions will be evaluated:
The action chosen as the “Good Practice of the Year” should be connected to renewables. If it is clearly not, it will not be considered a good practice in this competition.
- Does the action/practice make a significant contribution to advancing one or several of the areas of good practice?
- Was the submitted practice a new/innovative/creative activity/approach that nobody else has done so far/that is not part of the usual repertoire?
- Did the practice purposefully take up a commendable example from a peer?/Was that peer asked for advice?
- Does the practice have potential to be transferred to other similar settings?
- Was the practice developed in cooperation with relevant stakeholders?
Implementation, impact and reactions from others
- Is the implementation satisfactory and does it appropriately reflect the concept?
- Does the practice have a noticeable positive impact? How?
- Do the target groups/experts confirm the effectiveness/improvement?
- Is the practice a valuable addition to existing approaches applied by the candidate organisation?
- (If there are any,) do the cooperation partners like the end-result?
- Are the staekholder reactions mostly positive? / Are there evidences for positive external stkaholder reactions?
- Does the peer group show interest in doing the same/similiar activities?
- Was the activity critically evaluated during the different stages of its implementation and after its completion?
- Were the insights/findings used for a good practice exchange or is there a plan to do so?
- Were the insights/findings used to improve plans for future projects or is there a plan to do so?
If your practices tick many of the criteria listed here they are a good fit for the competition.
The call is open until the end of September

Please send your filled submission forms and all accompaying information to the RGI secretariat ( by September 30th.