Since its creation, the Florence School of Regulation (FSR), directed by Jean-Michel Glachant, has been established as a centre of excellence for independent discussion and dissemination of knowledge in the fields of European energy regulation and policy. It soon became a unique and relevant forum for academics, regulators, policy-makers and industry professionals. Through applied research, policy debate and innovative training, it aims at improving the quality of regulatory policy in crucial sectors of the European economy.
For over a decade, the school has been providing leading training courses such as the Summer School on Regulation of Energy Utilities, The Annual Training on the Regulation of Energy Utilities and the FSR-CEER Fundamentals of Energy Regulation. Today, FSR Energy & Climate also offers a wide range of online formats and customised training courses with the support of an International Faculty of Academics and a dedicated facilitation team. All FSR courses are designed to offer real interaction and a personalised learning experience.