A European Supergrid: a priority for the EU
A European Supergrid: a priority for the EU. To read more click here (only available in IT)
A European Supergrid: a priority for the EU. To read more click here (only available in IT)
Speaking at Supergrid 2013 Friends of the Supergrid Chairman, Mr Marcello del Brenna, called on EU policy makers to deliver a single market in electricity this decade, and to put in place the regulatory framework to enable large scale interconnection between Member States. This will provide real benefit to consumers across the EU, and capture
An industry with an annual turnover of over 291billion€, employing more than 1.1million people mostly in Europe has today called on European decision makers to accelerate the delivery of the infrastructure to achieve the transition to a pan-European electricity market. With the most of the world’s leading grid and cable companies based in Europe, the successful development
Supergrid 2013 Conference “No Transition without Transmission” on 19 March 09:00-10:00 REGISTRATION AND WELCOME COFFEE 10:00-10:05 WELCOME Ana AGUADO CEO, Friends of the Supergrid 10:05-10.30 KEYNOTE ADDRESSES Eddie O’CONNOR President, Friends of the Supergrid and CEO, Mainstream Renewable Power, Ireland Jeremy RIFKIN Author: The Third Industrial Revolution; How Lateral Power is Transforming Energy, the Economy,