The Friends of the Supergrid are organizing their 2nd Annual Conference:
No Transition without Transmission
Brussels, 19 March 2013
The 1st FOSG Supergrid Conference confirmed that no “show-stoppers” exist to the development of a European Supergrid. The availability of key grid technologies is assumed and point-to-point connections could be expanded to multi-terminal building blocks for a larger overlaid grid.
The critical time-line for the introduction of new technologies
lies primarily in solving non-technical issues
such as, political support and leadership, harmonization of Grid Codes, regulatory procedures and revenue models that will create a strong market growth and technology push. But:
- Are existing regulatory barriers being “de facto” removed or lowered?
- Are the present proposed point to point interconnection projects the basis for a Supergrid?
- Any further steps made in attracting investors to grid developments?
- Is the coming TENs Regulation the framework to enable a future Supergrid?
- Which concrete actions can be taken to improve public acceptance?
The 1st award ceremony for the best Supergrid-related project of the year 2012 will take place in the framework of the 2013 Supergrid conference. Call for nominations will be launched by FOSG in September.
The SUPERGRID 2013 Conference will take place at the Wolubilis in Brussels ( and will be a one day event. The official invitation will be sent out in November 2012, but you can already express your interest to attend by sending an email to .